Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Not sure where you stand with your priorities? Perhaps your bookshelf is an indicator.

How many books do you have about your personal walk with God? How many about marriage? How many about parenting? How many about pastoral stuff? I know, a lot of books apply to multiple priorities - but in general, if I were to peruse your library*, what would I think you valued most?

Not a reader? How about your podcast lineup? Not a podcast-listener? What about your Twitter feed? Not a Twitt? Then you're exempt from this test...

For me, my library consists of equal parts personal faith and pastoral stuff with a little marital and parental sprinkled on top. This seems to indicate that my reading priorities are as follows: 1) Faith and pastoral ministry; Distant 2) Marriage and parenting.

My podcast lineup: I cheated and subscribed to a bunch of marriage and family podcasts a couple of weeks ago.** Before that, it was ALL personal faith and pastoral stuff + Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, which applies to all my important priorities.***

My Twitter follows suit...

* Which I might!
**I was convicted by my own blog.
*** Lest you think I'm not well rounded, I also have a smattering of historical, political, and comedic podcasts. So there.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, see this is fun because I love my bookshelves :). Looking at them now, I have: a ton of fiction, a tiny bit of non-fiction, a tiny bit of writing related, a chunk of poetry, a chunk of psychology/counseling, a chunk of parenting, a chunk of biblical/devotional, yearbooks, photo albums, and a shelf of books for Natalie. All interspersed with pictures, keepsakes, candles, and my college diploma. (Besides the fiction, I couldn't figure out what was footnote worthy, so I just put it all down.) :)

    I'd say my bookshelves pretty much sum me up. In fact, I spent hours setting them up when we first moved because I was SO excited to have my own space to display my things I love (and my books, which I love).

    Since I've yet to pin down my four priorities, instead of being able to compare them to my four priorities, maybe this will help me flesh them out...coming soon, really!

    Also, I'm not a podcast listener...and my twitter feed is mainly friends and comedians :)


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